Download e-book for kindle: Doormen (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries) by Peter Bearman

By Peter Bearman

ISBN-10: 0226039692

ISBN-13: 9780226039695

ISBN-10: 0226039706

ISBN-13: 9780226039701

Little fascinates New Yorkers greater than doormen, who comprehend way more approximately tenants than tenants learn about them. Doormen recognize what their tenants consume, what sort of video clips they watch, whom they spend time with, whether or not they drink an excessive amount of, and whether or not they have kinky intercourse. but when doormen are surprisingly accustomed to their tenants, also they are socially very far away. In Doormen, Peter Bearman untangles this strange dynamic to bare the various ways in which tenants and doormen negotiate their complicated relationship.

Combining statement, interviews, and survey details, Doormen presents a deep and enduring ethnography of the occupational function of doormen, the dynamics of the residential foyer, and the mundane positive aspects of hugely consequential social exchanges among doormen and tenants. right here, Bearman explains why doormen locate their jobs either uninteresting and annoying, why tenants think fearful approximately how a lot of a Christmas bonus their acquaintances provide, and the way daily transactions small and big impact tenants' specialist and casual relationships with doormen.

In the everyday life of the doorman is living the profound, and this publication presents an excellent account of the way tenants and doormen engage in the complicated global of the lobby.

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Doormen (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries) by Peter Bearman

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