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By R. V. Ambartzumian

ISBN-10: 0521089786

ISBN-13: 9780521089784

ISBN-10: 0521345359

ISBN-13: 9780521345354

This designated ebook develops the classical topics of geometric likelihood and essential geometry, and the extra glossy certainly one of stochastic geometry, in really a singular option to offer a unifying framework within which they are often studied. the writer specializes in factorisation houses of measures and possibilities implied by way of the belief in their invariance with admire to a bunch, which will examine non-trivial elements. The research of those houses is the valuable subject matter of the e-book. easy proof approximately vital geometry and random aspect technique conception are constructed in an easy geometric method, in order that the entire technique is appropriate for a non-specialist viewers. Even within the later chapters, the place the factorisation ideas are utilized to geometrical approaches, the must haves are just typical classes on likelihood and research. the most principles awarded the following have program to such parts as stereology and tomography, geometrical information, development and texture research. This ebook may be like minded as a place to begin for people operating in these parts to benefit concerning the mathematical framework. it's going to additionally end up precious as an creation to geometric chance idea and crucial geometry in keeping with smooth ideas.

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Factorization Calculus and Geometric Probability (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) by R. V. Ambartzumian

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