Download e-book for iPad: Agency and Structure (RLE Social Theory): Reorienting Social by Piotr Sztompka

By Piotr Sztompka

ISBN-10: 1138782009

ISBN-13: 9781138782006

A extraordinary function of the human is its twin, contradictory, inherently break up personality; at the one hand, autonomy and freedom; at the different, constraint and dependence on social constitution. This quantity addresses this imperative challenge of the linkage among human motion and social constitution in sociological and social technological know-how conception. Contributions disguise numerous various techniques to the agency-structure challenging, and signify the paintings of a few best overseas sociologists. Their efforts element to a reorientation of social conception, either on philosophical and methodological levels.

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Agency and Structure (RLE Social Theory): Reorienting Social Theory: Volume 2 (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory) by Piotr Sztompka

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