Get Dalits and the Democratic Revolution: Dr Ambedkar and the PDF

By Gail Omvedt

ISBN-10: 0803991398

ISBN-13: 9780803991392

this crucial ebook lines the background of the Dalit circulate from its starting within the nineteenth century to the demise of its most famed chief, B.R. Ambedkar, in 1956. targeting 3 states—Andhra,Maharashtra and Karnataka—Dr Omvedt analyses the ideology and association of the stream and its interplay either with the liberty struggle(particularly with Gandhi and Gandhism) and the `class` struggles of the staff and peasants (and their dominant ideology-Marxism). She additionally offers a ancient account of the foundation and improvement of the caste system.

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Dalits and the Democratic Revolution: Dr Ambedkar and the Dalit Movement in Colonial India by Gail Omvedt

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