Download PDF by Carl Douglass: Gog and Magog: Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din The Day of

By Carl Douglass

ISBN-10: 1594333793

ISBN-13: 9781594333798

Gog and Magog, Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din, The Day of Judgment opens with a gathering of hugely secretive Islamic jihadists who've a well-organized and creative plan to cripple the U.S. and Europe. The chief cautions his followers--true believers all--to wait and see. at the different facet of the realm, a former federal prosecutor named Elizabeth Rowan is starting the 1st of many steps in a meteoric stand up the federal ladder so as to culminate in her being appointed president. First, notwithstanding, hugely positioned humans need to be proved to be corrupt, and a few to die, to open her method. Her predecessor is an idealist whose life's ambition is to accomplish global peace. He makes remarkable compromises with Islam's rulers and its jihadists so as to in attaining that objective. The chief of the jihadists acknowledges a chance to lull the yank president and his humans right into a stupor by way of supplying them trust in an finish to terrorism and the promise of actual peace. whereas the West sleeps, the terrorists plan and placed into position a nuclear holocaust to lead to an enduring crippling to the USA and Europe.

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Gog and Magog: Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din The Day of Judgment by Carl Douglass

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