Download e-book for kindle: Into the Fire: Death, Sex Slaves, and Drugs in South Vietnam by T. Martin O'Neil

By T. Martin O'Neil

ISBN-10: 1594336938

ISBN-13: 9781594336935

the canopy of darkness was once pulled again by way of the NODS scopes of their arms. The enemy had no notion what used to be approximately to befall them. With the frenzy of wings of dragons, the sounds of M-14s, M-870 shotguns, M-16's and grenades spoke the finality of demise. This gave the human pack mules a style of what may proceed to reign upon them in the home of the Dragon. North and South Vietnam have been at conflict. certainly, all of Southeast Asia used to be at battle. because of nationwide commitments, the U.S. army used to be drawn into the fray. contributors of the elite army SEALS played operations from counter-narcotics, counter-human trafficking or even counter piracy. those males positioned their lives at the line day-by-day as precise humanitarians. noticeable in the course of the eyes of connected Naval Intelligence operatives, their tales can now be published. those operations, particular missions, even their love tales, are mentioned in Into the Fire.

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Into the Fire: Death, Sex Slaves, and Drugs in South Vietnam (Death in the Dragon’s House Book 1) by T. Martin O'Neil

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