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By David Joyner,Marshall Hampton

ISBN-10: 1421406373

ISBN-13: 9781421406374

David Joyner and Marshall Hampton’s lucid textbook explains differential equations utilizing the loose and open-source mathematical software program Sage.

Since its free up in 2005, Sage has got a considerable following between mathematicians, yet its first person was once Joyner, who's credited with assisting famed mathematician William Stein flip this system right into a usable and well known selection.

Introduction to Differential Equations utilizing Sage extends Stein's paintings through making a school room instrument that permits either differential equations and Sage to learn simultaneously. It’s an inventive and forward-thinking method of math instruction.

Topics contain:

• First-Order Differential Equations • Incorporation of Newtonian Mechanics• Second-Order Differential Equations• The Annihilator technique• utilizing Linear Algebra with Differential Equations• Nonlinear platforms• Partial Differential Equations• Romeo and Juliet

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Introduction to Differential Equations Using Sage by David Joyner,Marshall Hampton

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