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By Candice Shy Hooper

ISBN-10: 1543601324

ISBN-13: 9781543601329

ISBN-10: 1606352784

ISBN-13: 9781606352786

The tale of the yankee Civil warfare isn't really whole with out studying the intense and influential lives of Jessie Frémont, Nelly McClellan, Ellen Sherman, and Julia furnish, the other halves of Abraham Lincoln’s best generals. They have been their husbands’ closest confidantes and had a profound influence at the generals’ goals and activities. most crucial, the women’s personal attitudes towards and relation- ships with Lincoln had significant old significance.

Candice Shy Hooper’s full of life account covers the early lives of her topics, in addition to their households, their schooling, their political attitudes, and their own ideals. as soon as photographs have been fired on citadel Sumter, the ladies have been introduced out in their deepest spheres right into a fully varied universe, the place their relationships with their husbands and their own reviews of the president of the us had nationwide and historic consequences.

The techniques and sorts of Frémont and McClellan distinction with these of Sherman and furnish, and there's equivalent symmetry of their better halves’ tales. Jessie Frémont and Nelly McClellan either inspired their husbands to persist of their vanity and fantasy and to reject the recommendation and friendship in their commander in leader. in any case, Jessie and Nelly contributed so much to the Union battle attempt via accelerating their husbands’ removing from lively command. Conversely, whereas Ellen Sherman’s and Julia Grant’s trust of their husbands’ personality and power was once ardent, it was once now not unbounded. Ellen and Julia didn't hesitate to take factor with their spouses once they believed their activities have been improper or their judgments ill-advised. They intelligently supported their husbands’ most sensible instincts—including belief in and admiration for Lincoln—and re-buffed their worst. They have been the resource of power that Sherman and supply used to win the Civil War.

Relying on a detailed interpreting of letters, memoirs, and different basic sources—and, for the 1st time, mapping the women’s wartime travels—Hooper explores the very other ways within which those extraordinary girls replied to the original demanding situations of being Lincoln’s generals’ wives.

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Lincoln's Generals' Wives: Four Women Who Influenced the Civil War--for Better and for Worse (Civil War in the North) by Candice Shy Hooper

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