Download PDF by Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz,Daniele Fournier-Prunaret,Yoshifumi: Nonlinear Maps and their Applications: Selected

By Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz,Daniele Fournier-Prunaret,Yoshifumi Nishio,Clara Gracio

ISBN-10: 3319123270

ISBN-13: 9783319123271

ISBN-10: 3319352733

ISBN-13: 9783319352732

within the box of Dynamical structures, nonlinear iterative strategies play a massive position. Nonlinear mappings are available as rapid types for lots of structures from diversified medical parts, equivalent to engineering, economics, biology, or is usually bought through numerical equipment allowing to resolve non-linear differential equations. In either situations, the knowledge of particular dynamical behaviors and phenomena is of the best curiosity for scientists. This quantity comprises papers that have been provided on the foreign Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their functions (NOMA 2013) held in Zaragoza, Spain, on September 3-4, 2013. this type of collaborative attempt is of paramount significance in selling communique one of the quite a few teams that paintings in dynamical platforms and networks of their examine theoretical experiences in addition to for functions. This quantity is appropriate for graduate scholars in addition to researchers within the field.

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Nonlinear Maps and their Applications: Selected Contributions from the NOMA 2013 International Workshop (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics) by Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz,Daniele Fournier-Prunaret,Yoshifumi Nishio,Clara Gracio

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