Social Attitudes in Contemporary China (Routledge by Chen Yu,Fang Wei,Liqing Li,Paul Morrissey,Nie Chen PDF

By Chen Yu,Fang Wei,Liqing Li,Paul Morrissey,Nie Chen

ISBN-10: 1138102016

ISBN-13: 9781138102019

ISBN-10: 1138910694

ISBN-13: 9781138910690

Unlike many stories of social attitudes, that are in line with huge scale quantitative surveys, or which specialise in the angle of elites, this booklet considers the perspectives of normal humans, and is predicated on in-depth, qualitative interviews. This process leads to wealthy, nuanced facts, and is principally valuable for highlighting ambivalent attitudes, the place respondents may possibly carry optimistic and destructive perspectives on a selected subject, perspectives that are susceptible to switch. The publication examines attitudes on various matters of present significance, together with perspectives on nationalism and internationalism, housing personal tastes, and academic targets. all through, the e-book explores how a long way attitudes are stimulated by way of conventional chinese language values or via the neo-liberal outlook fostered by way of contemporary reforms, and concludes that materialism and individualism have increased.

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Social Attitudes in Contemporary China (Routledge Contemporary China Series) by Chen Yu,Fang Wei,Liqing Li,Paul Morrissey,Nie Chen

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