Download PDF by Wesley Longhofer,Daniel Winchester: Social Theory Re-Wired: New Connections to Classical and

By Wesley Longhofer,Daniel Winchester

This social conception textual content combines the constitution of a print reader being able to tailor the direction through an in depth interactive site. Readings from vital classical and modern theorists are put in dialog with each other via middle themes—the puzzle of social order, the darkish aspect of modernity, id, and so on. the web site contains movies, interactive commentaries, summaries of key thoughts, checks and quizzes, annotated decisions from key readings, school room actions, and extra. See the web site at

New to the second one variation:

  • Expanded net content.

  • Teacher/student suggestions hired to explain tricky concepts.

  • Reframed modern part now bargains readings via Robert Merton, Bruno Latour, David Harvey, Zygmut Bauman, and Anthony Giddens.

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Social Theory Re-Wired: New Connections to Classical and Contemporary Perspectives (Contemporary Sociological Perspectives) by Wesley Longhofer,Daniel Winchester

by Anthony

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