Patrick Engebretson's The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical PDF

By Patrick Engebretson

ISBN-10: 1597496553

ISBN-13: 9781597496551

The fundamentals of Hacking and Penetration Testing serves as an advent to the stairs required to accomplish a penetration try out or practice a moral hack from starting to finish. This ebook makes moral hacking and penetration checking out effortless – no previous hacking adventure is needed. It exhibits easy methods to accurately make the most of and interpret the result of the modern day hacking instruments required to accomplish a penetration try out. With an easy and fresh clarification of the way to successfully make the most of those instruments – in addition to the advent to a four-step method for accomplishing a penetration try or hack – the publication presents scholars with the knowledge required to leap begin their careers and achieve a greater figuring out of offensive security.

The booklet is geared up into 7 chapters that disguise hacking instruments resembling go into reverse Linux, Google reconnaissance, MetaGooFil, dig, Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, speedy tune Autopwn, Netcat, and Hacker Defender rootkit. each one bankruptcy includes hands-on examples and routines which are designed to coach newbies the right way to interpret effects and make the most of these ends up in later stages. PowerPoint slides can be found to be used in class.

This ebook is a perfect reference for defense specialists, starting InfoSec execs, and students.

  • Named a 2011 most sensible Hacking and Pen checking out e-book by way of InfoSec Reviews
  • Each bankruptcy includes hands-on examples and routines which are designed to coach you ways to interpret the consequences and make the most of these ends up in later phases.
  • Writen by means of an writer who works within the box as a Penetration Tester and who teaches Offensive safety, Penetration checking out, and moral Hacking, and Exploitation periods at Dakota kingdom University.
  • Utilizes the back off Linus distribution and specializes in the seminal instruments required to accomplish a penetration test.

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The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Made Easy (Syngress Basics Series) by Patrick Engebretson

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