Diana Dimitrova's The Other in South Asian Religion, Literature and Film: PDF

By Diana Dimitrova

ISBN-10: 0415711525

ISBN-13: 9780415711524

ISBN-10: 0815373465

ISBN-13: 9780815373469

This booklet introduces the time period "otherism" and appears on the discourse of otherism and the problem of otherness in South Asian faith, literature and movie. It examines cultural questions with regards to the human of being the "other," of the method of "othering" and of the illustration of "otherness" and its spiritual, cultural and ideological implications.

The booklet applies the views of ideological feedback, theories of hybridity, orientalism, nationalism, and gender and queer stories to achieve new insights into the literature, movie and tradition of South Asia. It appears to be like on the alternative ways of reading "otherness" at the present time. The e-book is going directly to learn the ideological implications of the production of "otherness" with reference to non secular and cultural id and the legitimation of energy, in addition to how the illustration of "otherness" displays the ability buildings of up to date societies in South Asia.

Offering a well-thought-out mirrored image on very important cultural questions in addition to a deep perception into the research of faith and "otherness" in South Asian literature and movie, this booklet is a pioneering venture that's of curiosity to students of South Asian stories and South Asian religions, literatures and cultures.

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The Other in South Asian Religion, Literature and Film: Perspectives on Otherism and Otherness (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) by Diana Dimitrova

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